I’m a great believer of how you start your day will shape the rest of your day.
Start you day well…on a good positive, healthy note..and chances are…you will have a great day. You will feel strong, fit and all ready to take on the world. Well…the morning routine obviously does a world of a good. I got the gist down here, as well as his rationale for the routine. I try to keep at it as much as I can on a daily basis.
Here’s the way he advocates on how to start your day.
1. Set your alarm clock to go off 10 minutes earlier than usual.
2. The first thing, after you get up, is to immediately remake your bed.
3. Go to the kitchen, pour yourself a glass of water and drink it all.
4. Go to the bathroom, take care of "business," brush your teeth, wash the sleep out of your face and eyes and brush and comb your hair.
5. Next, put on some exercise clothes like sweatpants, a sweatshirt and sneakers.
6. Leave the house immediately and take a 20-minute walk.
7. As soon as you get back, woof down a nutritionally-dense protein drink with eight ounces of fat-free milk and a banana.
8. Scarf down a packet of vitamins and minerals like “Revital"
9. Take a shower.
10. Dress in fresh, crisp clothes and go about your day.
Pretty simple stuff, isn’t it? But, I’ll tell you this: If you will do this every day in 2011, it will create a more positive change in your life than anything else you can do. This regiment, although simple on the surface, has profound and somewhat complex and far-reaching psychological ramifications.
May I explain?
Thank you.
1. Set your alarm to go off 10 minutes earlier than usual. By getting a 10-minute earlier start, you tend to remove the "urgency" many of us experience as soon as we wake up. You’ll feel less harried, less hurried and a bit more peaceful.
2. The first thing, after you get up, is to immediately remake your bed. If you don’t do this, you will be starting your day… instantly… creating an "undone chore" which will nag at the back of your mind for the rest of the day. If you do this, you will start the day without having added a single, niggling little thing to your "to do" list.
3. Go to the kitchen, pour yourself a glass of water and drink it all. You do NOT drink enough water. Nobody in America does. Water is the elixir of elixirs. It flushes toxins out of your body, provides an environment which lets your electrolytes and all other aspects of your biochemistry function at maximum efficiency.
4. Go to the bathroom, take care of "business," brush your teeth, wash the sleep out of your face and eyes and brush and comb your hair. You’re getting ready for battle: The battle to have a good day. Doing all the above will wake you up a little, freshen you up a bit and "set-you-up" to get going.
5. Next, put on some exercise clothes like sweatpants, a sweatshirt and sneakers. Make this a ritual. You are dressing for battle: An assault on the forces of negativism.
6. Leave the house immediately and take a 20-minute walk. You’re outside, you’re breathing fresh air, you’re getting your circulation going, you’re becoming more mentally alert. Some of the fog begins to lift from your mind. You begin to notice your environment, see the colors of the fall foliage, the bloom of a spring flower, the dew on the grass on a summer morning, the untrodden snow in mid-winter. NOTE: This is NOT exercise. This is a loosening up; a "defogging" of your mind and allowing your body to gently warm up for its daily tasks.
7. As soon as you get back, woof down a nutritionally-dense protein drink made with eight ounces of fat-free milk and a banana. This will infuse your body with nearly all the vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and other good stuff to help your body and mind function at peak throughout the day.
8. Scarf down a packet of vitamins and minerals like “Revital” More insurance you’re getting the minimum (at least) ingredients your body needs to run efficiently.
9. Take a shower. Part of the ritual of getting ready to battle the day.
10. Dress in fresh, crisp clothes and go about your day. Ritual completed. You’re loosened up, oxygenated, clean, crisp, nourished, starting your day with no added baggage.